How We Can Help

At ETG we have experience working with companies across the healthcare landscape to migrate, modernize, and integrate both new and existing technology platforms.

Benefits of Cloud Infrastructure


Migrating to the cloud allows for organizations to almost instantaneously add, scale, or take away resources on an as-needed basis. You can then quickly expand or decrease cloud computing to meet changing demands.

Cost Effective

Cloud migration is an operational expense versus a capital expense. It offers the ability to only pay for the resources you use.

Improved Security

During migration, ETG stays on top of all industry trends and best practices to ensure your sensitive data is always safe in the cloud and as protected as possible from malicious actors.

Fast to Market

With cloud migration, your organization can better optimize and accelerate workflows as appropriate.

Available Services

Cloud Consulting

Ongoing knowledge and guidance to help develop an actionable cloud strategy to ensure your business is ready for right now and whatever comes next.

Database Migration

The process of moving data from one or more platforms to another target platform. It often moves data from an outdated legacy system to a more modernized platform.

Cloud Security

Technology and procedures that secure cloud computing environments by keeping data and applications safe from current and emerging cybersecurity threats.

Cost Analysis Comparison

Providing insight into where your designated cloud computing budget is being spent and helping ensure your resources are being allocated appropriately and setting your business up for long-term success.

Current Systems/Environment Evaluation

A comprehensive assessment of your current environment. Whether it’s a Well-Architected Review (WAR) or a physical infrastructure analysis, we provide the support your business needs to move to the cloud or better optimize what is presently in the cloud.

Pre-Migration Support

Migrating to the cloud can be intimidating. EmergenceTek Group will guide your business prior to migration and every step of the way to ensure project objectives, budgets and workloads are considered from the onset.

Let’s Connect!

Take your business to the next level with cloud technology solutions. To get started, please fill out the form. An ETG team member will get back to you to gather additional information about your specific business goals and objectives.

(716) 406-4544

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